Firing Service




$10.00 per kg



$12.00 per kg



$12.00 per kg

Please see below for our Terms and Conditions and FAQ's


or download our firing form here..



While all care will be taken with your items, The Clay Shed can not be held responsible for damage to, or loss of your work.

  • We reserve the right to refuse any items which we feel may cause problems. This may include, but is not limited to: overly thick or solid pieces, hollow pieces without ventilation holes to the interior, pieces with foreign objects such as paper, wood or non-refractory metals, pieces with noticeably thick glazes or multiple layers of glaze. If you have any concerns, you may choose to not utilise the service.
  • Firing is conducted only when the kiln is full. This may mean a delay in getting your ware back on certain firings.  We should be able to give you a better idea when you bring your item/s in.


To help us protect the kilns and other peoples’ work:

  • We do not accept wet work. It must be 100% dry when dropping it off for firing.
  • You must supply specific details of the clay and/or glazes used or your work cannot be fired.
  • We do not single fire greenware (clay that has not been bisqued prior to glazing/glaze temperature firing)
  • We will not fire work with glazed bases. The base and 5mm from base must be free from glaze.
  • If your work negatively impacts that of another, you may be required to pay for their associated firing costs.
  • For any work that has a runny glaze which may damage our shelves, the use of ‘cookies’ or wadding is greatly encouraged. Cookies are a flat piece of white stoneware clay that goes between your work and the shelf (we have these available to purchase if required).
  • We will not accept a piece that contains foreign materials such as wadded paper, wood or metal.
  • All work must be clearly labelled with a makers mark and your storage box must also be clearly labelled with your full name.


You are responsible for any damage your work causes to the kilns and/or shelves.

  • If a kiln shelf is damaged due to the clay or glaze used, you will be charged a minimum $25 cleaning fee.
  • If your work ruins a kiln shelf to the point it can’t be used again you will be charged for the replacement cost.
  • If your work damages any other part of the kiln interior you will be required to pay a fine based on the severity of the damage determined by the manager.

-Your pieces and your box must be clearly named or may not be returned to you.

-All work left at The Clay Shed for longer than 2 weeks after you have been notified of its readiness for collection will incur storage fees.

-Anything left at The Clay Shed after 3 months will be disposed of.

-We highly recommend taking photographs of your work to be fired for your own reference




  • To reduce waiting times
  • To reduce the chances of breakages or misplacement
  • To maximize our storage space
  • Please only include one type of firing per box (EG: all items for Bisque or all for Midfire). Mixed items may not be fired to the correct temperatures.



  • We need to know what we will be firing for both safety and practicality reasons.
  • It will ensure we are putting the right items into the correct type of firing.
  • You need to read & fully understand/accept the terms and conditions of using the firing service before we will fire your items.
  • A firing form is required for each box of items even if multiple boxes are for the same firing.


If you cannot advise of all clays and glazes used, your items will not be accepted for firing.

Items without a makers mark may not be returned to you!

A ‘makers mark’ makes your piece easily identifiable.

It can be your name, initials, or a symbol.

Put your mark on the base or side of your items by carving, stamping or by applying underglaze.

Please ask our helpful staff for advice or suggestions 😊


 Is Your Pottery Ready for the Kiln?

If you answer NO to any of the following questions, your work will not be fired.

  1. Are my items 100% dry?
  1. Have I identified above the specific details of the clay and glazes used?
  1. Have my glazed items been bisque fired prior to the application of glaze?
  1. Are the bases and 5mm from bases of my items free from glaze?
  1. Have I read the Terms & Conditions so I know what to expect of the firing service and what is expected of me/my items?